Come join us on an evening of experimental performances on 4th October 2019 (Friday), 7pm – 9pm at HART Haus. 27 young international artists and designers from the Transcultural Collaboration programme will be live improvising for you with sounds and visuals. The performances are the results of a one-week CoLab workshop facilitated by guest artists Andreas Siagian (ID) and Simon Dietersdorfer (AU).
CoLab is an interdisciplinary laboratory on experimental collaborative practice presented in performative ways. CoLab would like to invite multidisciplinary artists to work together developing ideas for collaborations, learning through the process of experimentation, interaction and improvisation. Instead of a solo project, CoLab is only for collaboration, inviting artists to negotiate, adjusting and connecting with other artists in the form of collectives.
Performances by:
Tobias BIENZ, Duy BUI, Raúl CASTRO ESTÉVEZ, Clair Ka-kiu CHAN, CHEN Zhenglang, Cindy CHENG I-Hsin, FU Lingbo, Rafael GIL CORDEIRO, Gloria HERTIG, Brooke JACKSON, Nuriia KHASENOVA, LEI Xuan, LEUNG Lok Kwan, Rose Zi-Rui LI, LIU Shiyan, MA Kam Leung, Choon Peng NG, QIAN Yuxuan, Timo RADDATZ, Syahriar Tri RIZALDI, Colin SCHMID, Lisa SCHWABE, Lena SEEFRIED, Aline STÄHELI, Milos STOLIC, WONG Lap Wing, WU Jiaru
This project is a collaboration by HART Haus and Transcultural Collaboration.
Date: October 4, 2019 (Friday)
Time: 7–9pm
Location: HART Haus
Address: 3/F, Cheung Hing Industrial Building, 12P Smithfield Road,
Kennedy Town, Hong Kong
Free Admission