All posts filed under: Edition 2018

Trailer & Final Exhibition 2018!

We had a blast at the final exhibition 講咗/冇講 : SPOKEN / UNSPOKEN of this year’s TC programme! 31 young international artists presented their collaborative experiments whose overarching interest concerned expression beyond, beneath and between words. Much gratitude to everyone—from kids and students up to VIPs, grandpas and curious strangers—who cared to come over, share and experience our work. For more insight into the daily collaborations please check out our individual group portraits here and in case you want to learn more about the works themselves visit the groups’ own process documentation under Work > Hong Kong. Now, some impressions of a memorable evening…

There was once a girl

By Simona Bischof (Art Education, Zurich University of the Arts), Vivian Chan (Music, Zurich University of the Arts), Wen Qing Kwek (Fine Arts, LASALLE College of the Arts, Singapore), Mei Yan Miley Wong (Digital Art, Academy of Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University), Sir Meng Yau (Fine Arts, Taipei National University of the Arts)

Where Shall We Meet Tonight?

By Claudio Rainolter (Design, Zurich University of the Arts), Jiaming August Liao (Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong), Sijia Star Liu (Creative Media, City University of Hong Kong), Jingying Zhang (New Media Art, Taipei National University of the Arts) Intro n. The family or social unit, occupying a permanent residence. A house or flat, considered as a commercial property. A place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates. The district or country where one was born or has settled on a long-term basis. Concept This is an invitation for the audience to think about what is home for themselves. We try to build up an immersive and intimate space for the audiences by sharing four stories picked up from our personally experience but slitted into pieces for one fragmentary narration surrounding in the space, by that the audiences can build up their own version of the storyline. We try to make a home model in-between ideal and reality by faking the real furnitures and installing an interactive scenario. The …

Into The Voice

This site-specific sound installation explores how power and regulations operate in and through particular places, bodies, and social contexts. By looking at different situations and spaces the artists employ a variety of tactics, including soft, interpersonal tactics that rely on social pressure, and hard tactics that employ coercion and force.