Kick-off Module: Exploring Zurich

22. August – 9. September

On 22 August we started the 2nd edition of our new transcultural and cross-disciplinary semester program called “Transcultural Collaboration”. 26 selected MA students of all art and design disciplines from the involved partner institutions from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Switzerland have the possibility to study for one semester within this specific program. After a 3-weeks stay in Zurich the program continues in Hong Kong, its principal location.

The starting phase is dedicated to introductions to the topic of transculturality in general, it’s relation to the arts as well as to this years’ semester topic called “Beyond Purity”. These issues were connected with lectures on and excursions in Zurich to provide an understanding of our current living environment. In the second half of the starting module the participants formed small team constellations exploring the city and starting practical experiments. This process will be continued and continuously built up towards fixed teams and public presentations in Hong Kong.

Self-Presentations Participants

Speakers: Students & Faculty

Content: Every participant is asked to give an insight to her/his artistic work as well as about her/his personal background like cultural origins, important ethical values, concerns and current issues they think are relevant. It’s suggested to think of a way to present the work in a different way than usual, which is rather experiential oriented (for example by doing, showing, performing, interacting,..) instead of (too much) talking and it explicitly should not be a regular “power point presentation”. Everyone has 20 minutes’ time (followed by 10 minutes of questions and discussions).

