- “To try every possibility and the unknown, to enjoy each moment and the process of creating art without boundaries.”
- “Hic et Nunc.” Photo by Noëlle Guidon
- “To broaden my worldview and perspective, enhancing my growth and development as a person. To experiment with and gain exposure to various Art forms/ disciplines, which may, in turn, impact my own work. To experience and learn more about the cultures and way of life from the people I collaborate with, forging lifelong friendships with people from all over the globe. To step out of my comfort zone and have the courage to try things even if I may not be good at them. To enjoy the learning process by keeping an open mind and by being appreciative.”
- “Make friends and make plans.”
- “The place with body is the theater.”
- “離開原本的溫暖小島。”
- “What makes the world bigger, what makes the world smaller?”
- “constructive collaboration. crossing the borders. beyond ourselves.”
- “Visual communication can solve the language obstacles.”
- “In the TC Program I want to learn more about the culture between West and East, and I hope there will be some enlightenment for my future practice.”
- “I am looking forward to having interesting conversations and weirder ideas every day.”
- “Artists always surprise me.”
- “Explore. Adapt. Overcome.”
- “Enjoy!”
- “My imagination about Zurich was wrong as I expected.”
- “Embrace the difference and make a difference.”
- “Learn to express, learn to explore.”
- “I dream of seeing the world and enjoying cultures through the TC program.”
- “Chinese-german Pianist living and studying in Switzerland, trying to connect both roots and current aspects of life through this project.”
- “I’m looking forward to interacting with new disciplines and concepts.”
- “I come to eat cheese.”
- “Leaving the known behind, making the familiar unfamiliar, the invisible visible, it is this change of perspective that moved me to participate.”
- “The Bünzli-Metamorphosis”
- “Search for the spoken and unspoken between art and design in different cultures and professional backgrounds.”
- “I want to learn.”
- “I want to transcend borders, develop and implement joint projects, search for and find topics, and be ready to transfer my specific knowledge to other media and arts.”
- “Exploring beyond my comfort zone.”
- “As inspiring as the goat”
- “make it simple”
- “grow and share”
- “I want to be recognized as an artist.”
- “TANSTAAFL: there ain’t no such thing as a free lunch“ / www.ibulla.com