After learning about Hong Kong’s food system and the problems that come with it in Dr. Daisy Tam’s lecture, it was time for a more hands on approach.At the women centre in Cheung Sha Wan, the group was greeted by an eager hands-on mentality that was infectious. After hearing about the incredibly valuable community work that the women centre and its many volunteers do (such as: collecting unused food from the wet markets, redistributing it to the neighborhood’s community, providing cooking courses and legal advice in cases of, for example, domestic violence or just having an open ear for every topic or issue that comes up in everyday life) it was time to, literally, get the hands dirty.
The group was divided into two and while one group went to the wet markets to rescue unused or unsold vegetables from the hawkers to later redistribute it to those in need, the other part stayed at the women centre and baked pineapple pies in a collective effort.
All pictures by Alicia Olmos Ochoa