The Urban Explorations Project began as an investigation of ordinary happenings and encounters in the Singapore heartlands, narrated through the retrieval of sound, colors, smells, soil samples, found objects, behavioral observations and traffic patterns. It stems from an interest in sensing and documenting the various phenomena of the urban landscape. Driven by a low-tech and location-based approach to collecting small data rather than making use of digitally available big data sets, the project participants discuss, conceptualise and design their own methods and strategies to collect, document and express data. In this presentation, we will focus on two explorations conducted in Singapore and Paris respectively, elaborating the processes and experiences of sensing and collecting small data.
ANDREAS SCHLEGEL works and teaches across disciplines. He develops artefacts, tools and interfaces where art and technology meet ina curious way. Many of his works are collaborative and concerned with emerging and open source technologies.In his artistic practice he creates audio, visual and physical outcomes driven by computation, interaction and networked processes. He lives and works in Singapore where he heads the Media Lab at LASALLE College of the Arts. TheLab’s work is collaborative and interdisciplinary; it blurs the boundaries between art and technology.
DHIYA MD, also known as M-D-R-N, is adjunct lecturer at LASALLE College of the Arts where he facilitates and runs workshops for UNIT: Design Labs. He is also one of the founding partners of STUDIO SWELL, a Singapore-based graphic design studio. Dhiya’s interests lie at the intersections of art, design, science,and technology; he works in the areas of visual communications, DIYapproaches, digital and analogue tools reflective through his graphics, prints, objects and structures. He isa frequent Media Lab collaborator and VJ with audio-reactive visuals.