Edition 2017, TC 2017

RethINK – Dialogue Between Three Disciplines

The performance piece combines the disciplines of Classical guitar, dance and painting. Blending them into each other, the performers create new relationships between and alternative emphases on these usually clearly defined subjects.


It is as much about stepping out of the comfort zone as it is about expanding what’s possible by creating an artistic dialogue. Usually, a guitarist would not be interrupted by a dancer on a classical music stage. The partly improvised, partly planned performance furthermore tries to focus on the aspects that are generally less important in the three respective disciplines: what sound can be produced while dancing or illustrating? Which movements can be incorporated when playing music? RethINK is a performance that tries to create something new by deconstructing the involved disciplines and finding new connections by reacting to each other.

“We were aiming to lead the audience to an alternative emphasis of our classical disciplines,
letting these interact and play on stage, gradually blending into each other.”

A Perfomance by

Samuel Toro Perez, Classical Guitar and Perfomance, Zurich University of the Arts

Tian Jun Wong, Painting and Perfomance, Academy of Visual Arts, Baptist University, Hong Kong

Fang Yun Yang, Choreography and Dance, Tapei National University of the Arts