- Location and exhibition space sighting Zurich University of the Arts
- Team work prototyping
- Mentoring sessions and coaching
- Presentations incl. technician
- First mark through
- Group Lunch
The last two weeks were fully dedicated to the upcoming final performances and installations on Friday and Saturday, December 6th & 7th.
The participants worked individually in their groups, checking in with the mentors, Dimitri, Ricardo, Maximilian, Elizabeth, Nuria and Daniel to discuss their plans from time to time. After the exhibition in Shanghai, almost all the groups mixed into new constellations again.
Kian and Yuyus work evolves around social atmospheres.
Seain and Nick joined Lena, Leal, Milos and Rae. Their working title is FLUX.
Gloria and Joe were joined by Timo. They are staging an item shop.
Raúl and Lambert formed a new team and are dedicated to the topic of language.
Rose and Cindy have joined the group BouDai12. Now nine members in total, they continue to work around the subject of the political situation in HK: Aline, Harisson, Tobi, Colin, Duy, Cass, Riar, Rose and Cindy.
Brooke, Rafa, Nuriia and Money also continue within their topic from Shanghai. Their concept of a dream machine evolved into a bed-like setting involving bed bugs.