- Clean up
- Individual Feedback Talks
- Questionnaire
- Goodbye Trip To Engelberg
- Goodbye Dinner in Engelberg
After packing and cleaning up the last remains of the final presentations at Toni Areal, we packed all our warmest clothes to go up to the mountains. Engelberg was our destination to calm down from all the excitement – and yes – stress of the past weeks. But also and mainly, to get together as a group one last time again for some quality time before we all part ways.
We ate, drank, danced, cooked, threw snow balls, chit-chatted, played, discussed, hugged, made promises to not lose touch and went up the mountain in a gondola to go sledding.
Thank you for your effort, your energy, ideas, courage, your strengths and weaknesses, for sharing emotions, insights, believes and concerns. Thank you for many moments of laughter, tension, anticipation, of desperation, tears, of quarrel, helplessness, achievement, success, of fear, rage and joy and happiness.
And after all, thank you for new friends and companions.