Edition 2021, Midterm Presentation, TC 2021

Oracle Foyer

The Oracle Foyer is a joint project by three artists from different cultural backgrounds (Taiwanese/Japanese/German). In this project, they explored the differences between and relationships with their cultures on the level of superstition, proverbs and divination. Inspired by the myths surrounding the Oracle of Delphi. Their Oracle Foyer, a sensory interactive installation, set in an open-air interstitial space between the two buildings of Communism.

The Oracle Foyer is a collaborative project by three artists from different cultural backgrounds (Taiwanese/Japanese/German). In this project, they explored the differences between, and relations to, their cultures on the level of superstitions, proverbs, and fortune-telling. In these pandemic times, many people feel uncertain about their futures. Inspired by the myths surrounding the Oracle of Delphi, the three artists have created their original Oracle Foyer, a sensuous interactive installation based in an open-air interspace between the two buildings of Communitism.

The artists selected ubiquitous objects, practices, and words that in different cultures may have different superstitious meanings, for example breaking plates or spilt salt. These elements were installed with special lighting and sound that created a holy atmosphere and intimate situation. Overall the installation played with the fact that the audience would interpret differently according to their own cultural background.

Group members: Karlotta Mix, Yui Yamamoto, Ting Chen Chang
Published: 6.10.2021
Location: Communitism (Athens, Greece)
Discipline: Fine Arts
Language: English

Programme: Transcultural Collaboration