Blog, Edition 2016, TC 2016

About the difficulties to represent a collective process.

by Yan Jun Nur  (Jade Haejun Park, Dennis Ginsig, Angelo Marco Rrem, Jiecong Men & Jesica Bastidas).
29.09.2016 Connecting Space, Hong Kong.

Collective Process – New Group Constellation: Jade, Dennis and Angelo + Jiecong and Jesica.

Scouting of an Abandoned School

Out of the interest of some members of the group, and the knowledge of an abandoned school, the group decided to explore this space as a working area, to share a common experience of research & free play.

Gathering of Material

Headlights, make-up, cameras, audio recorders and sound systems were brought with no specific goal but to be used as experimental tools.

Night School Exploration + “I Don’t Know” + Vocal/ Sound Explorations

The group looked for a “laboratory” room inside the abandoned school.
The exploring session initiated with the grupal integration exercise: I DON’T KNOW (one person is questioned by the other members of the group while answering only “I don’t know”). By the active participation of all members the group had an immerse experience approaching intimate and private topics, emotional and subconscious responses, and struggles with assumed boundaries. Video and audio recording added as documentation and later as new material for exploration.
A free play experimentation with feedback effect from a sound recorder and a speaker box, explored the relationship between the space, sound and the “documentation-performer.”



Discussion and Documentation

Grupal discussions to share experiences, feelings, academic researches and interests for the future practices of the project.
Documented with video.


The group questioned how could the experience at the abandoned school could be shared with other people without being only a documentation on the showing day. Documentation vs. Live art? Audience or Participants?
The group tried to transfer I DON’T KNOW to another psychoanalytical game SHRINK in order to share a group formation activity and interact with the participants.
What is behind intimate questions?
Self-reflection invitation v.s. Invasion of privacy or imposition towards the audience?
These questions made the team discard the game.

Presentation + Invitation to a Night Experience at the Abandoned School

Performance/documentary: layout of the material and documentation using 5 laptops.
The team members could rearrange the elements layout, resulting in a constant change of perspectives and placement of the documentarist/performers.
Open invitation and disclaimer for an exploring visit to the abandoned school that night.













