By Black/White (Liana, Nadja, Shirley, Jion)
Switzerland is famous internationally for its pure supply of drinking water. A natural resource flowing from the alps, rivers and lakes, water surrounds the city of Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss water is reputed to be so pure that the fish cannot survive in it.
Coming from four different cities (Hangzhou, China, Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich, Switzerland), we were fascinated with this notion of purity and attaining perfection in Swiss culture. Through the exemplification of Swiss water, we questioned this idea of ‘Swiss perfection’ and its stereotypes of being the best. Ingesting pure and clean water is often understood as the healthiest option, and for contributing to a better life.
After our first two intensive weeks of collaborative workshops in ZHdk, Zurich, Switzerland, we found out that Zurich is mostly surrounded by clean water and has more that 1,200 public drinking fountains supplying the best drinking water. We were very intrigued by the Swiss reputation of ‘perfection’. From its clean streets and public toilets, and the various Swiss stereotypes of punctuality and being a model citizen. Everything looks nice and perfect. And perfection seem to be everywhere in Zurich. We wondered if perfection is in a way to an end? What is the best one could achieve? And if there is a possibility to do it better?
Hence, in our first collaborative project, group Black/White presents ‘SAY YES TO HYPER WATER!’, where we try to tackle the challenges in the ideology of perfection. By introducing ‘Hyper Water’, we propose to alter the current way of how Swiss water should be consumed in order to attain a richer and happier life.
For a hyped-up life. Drink HYPER WATER.

Setting for the installation

Installation view

Installation view

Installation view with audience

Installation view with audience