All posts tagged: Taiwan

Faculty Team 2023

Daniel Späti, Head of Transcultural CollaborationDaniel Späti originally studied design and worked for Bally, a global fashion brand, in his early career. In 2001, he was appointed as a lecturer in the Design Department at the Zurich School of Art and Design (HGKZ, since 2007 ZHdK). Soon afterwards, he became part of the leading team tasked with establishing the new BA Trends & Identity. Passionate about music and cultural events, Daniel has been organising concerts, club events and performances at various locations and festivals in Zurich since 2004. When Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) was founded in 2007, he began working across the creative disciplines and initiated the first international summer school, which welcomed students from all departments. In 2013, he further developed the summer school into the internationally unique semester programme “Transcultural Collaboration” and acquired seven partner universities to join. In 2017, he became head of ZHdK’s strategic initiative assigned with developing a sustainable approach to internationalisation called “Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich” (2013-2018). Based on their experiences and the established network, Daniel and his team proposed to …

Living traces

Which traces are yours? Which are mine? Where do they connect? Whether their origins are internal or external, all traces are deeply tied to the traces of others, forming a collective system of memory, which exerts influence on groups and individuals, often in unforeseen ways. The installation “living traces” invited visitors to introspect, connect and leave traces, to engage as much as they would like and explore the interconnectedness of remembering bodies.


Drawing on many influences, from displacement systems to futuristic utopian scenarios and habitual reflection, “Anthropocene” explores power structures in the context of sacrifice zones, dwelling upon the fragile equilibrium of protecting and using land and the unequal consequences that the waste of resources produce. 


„Polypulse“ deals with the topic of protection through creating a vulnerable and intimate experience between strangers in a city environment. The audience is invited to come close, feel their heartbeat in the backdrop of the city noise and negotiate what it means to be part of a vibrating moment of shared experience.

~欢迎觀臨~ ~༄໋࣭࣭~

The inside of the protecting greenhouse is warm, welcoming, a necessary condition for some of its living beings. However, the creatures living under its shelter may unknowingly start to deform. Protection turns into corrosion. They go from resisting to losing their self-care ability, eventually leading to a sense of hopelessness. This decaying metamorphosis could be considered a conspiracy theory. But how would we be able to truly know?