Author: TC

Trailer TC 2016 – “Exquisite Corpse”

This video clip gives a short insight into our two days’ event “Exquisite Corpse”, which served as the final presentation format of “Transcultural Collaboration 2016”. What you see are impressions of the work of seven different groups, which presented their collaborative experiments in this setting. The event took place on 25/26 November 2016 at Connecting Space Hong Kong and Kai Tak Campus of the Academy of Visual Arts. If you would like to know more about the specific arts works and their content, please refer to the section “Group Works” on this website.

Exquisite Corpse – Transcultural and Cross-disciplinary Art Performances and Installations

“EXQUISITE CORPSE” playfully and unpredictably combining, displacing and replacing limbs, while forming creatures and languages of coincidence and encounter.

In the 2nd edition of this unique international graduate semester program, 27 artists and designers from six different art universities from Europe and East Asia spent one semester of intense transcultural and cross-disciplinary collaboration including all art and design disciplines. On 25 and 26 November seven groups will show their explorations and experiments in a variety of different formats and topics. …

Exquisite Corpse at Connecting Space

“EXQUISITE CORPSE” playfully and unpredictably combining, displacing and replacing limbs, while forming creatures and languages of coincidence and encounter. Transcultural and Cross-disciplinary Art Performances and Installations by “The Bubble” and “Oolong 烏龍”

These events present the experiments and explorations of the annually international graduate semester program “Transcultural Collaboration” a cooperation of art universities from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Europe. Its general focus is on transcultural topics and its main working method is cross-disciplinary collaboration including all art and design disciplines. The program is mainly taking place in Hong Kong and includes stays in Zurich and Taipei. It’s part of the networking platform “Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich”.

Exquisite Corpse at Kai Tak Campus

Exquisite Corpse Transcultural and Cross-disciplinary Art Performances and Installations 26 November, Kai Tak Campus, 7.30pm Academy of Visual Arts, Baptist University, 51 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong These events present the experiments and explorations of the annually international graduate semester program “Transcultural Collaboration” a cooperation of art universities from Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan and Europe. Its general focus is on transcultural topics and its main working method is cross-disciplinary collaboration including all art and design disciplines. The program is mainly taking place in Hong Kong and includes stays in Zurich and Taipei. It’s part of the networking platform “Connecting Spaces Hong Kong – Zurich”.   Boundary There is a vast man-made cyberspace floating above our heads. The boundary of the “virtual” world and the “real” one keeps expanding, from screens to our senses. We enhance perceptions of light and sound in this boundary where new cultures and aesthetics are emerging, regardless of limitations on the land. Audio-visual Installation by Yuan Yuan, MA Media Art/School of Intermedia Art, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou Li …


LINE UP 22h DJ Warm Those Buns Up DJ Set cimonfinix 22h30 Phonetic Phony Audioperformance Kai & Grace 22h45 Womb Club Dance & Videoinstallation by Carmen, Jesica, Goingshow and Jade 22h50 Scarlet (Hao) & Sherry Yuan Audiovisual Performance by Hao and Sherry 23h10 #cautionwetfloor Performance Cimon & Léo can’t be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: xxx ( 23h30 Haze’n’hofer Concert by Yannik 00h15 senseless DJ Set Jan 1h45 the Queens of Chateau Coq Drag Show by Dennis & Daniel 2h neoliebe DJ Set by Angelo

Facets of Hong Kong

Participants divided into three groups to explore different facets of Hong Kong. Everyone was asked to document the experience and share this experience the day after with the rest of the group.

Trailer TC 2015 – HOT POT Festival   This video offers an insight into our two days “HOT POT – Spicy Little Art Festival”, which took place on 20 and 21 November 2015 at Connecting Space Hong Kong and AVA Kai Tak Campus. The festival served as the final presentation format of the first pilot of “Transcultural Collaboration” and was open to the public. Get an impression of the art work of 6 transcultural and cross-disciplinary teams and the great atmosphere of both performance venues! Conception & Direction: Bruce Liu (SCM) & Cimonfinix (ZHdK) Filming: DELTA Creation, Hong Kong Video Editing: Bruce Liu Sound: Cimonfinix

Participants 2015

Lecturers/Guests “Transcultural Collaboration 2015” Responsible Project Coordinators/Lecturers Daniel Späti, Head of Transcultural Collaboration, ZHdK Zheng Bo, Assistant Professor, CityU/School of Creative Media, HK Shi Ke, Associate Professor, China Academy of Art, Hangzhou Jim McGowan, Senior Lecturer (Sound), MFA Coordinator TEA, HK Academy for Performing Arts Lecturers Heinrich Lüber, Artist, Head of MA Art Education ZHdK Kingsley Ng, Artist/Designer, HK Baptist University Florian Dombois, Artist/Researcher/Lecturer, ZHdK Hongjohn Lin, Chair Fine Arts Dep. and Transdisciplinary Studies, TNUA Jörg Scheller, Curator/Theorist, Head of BA Photography, ZHdK Nuria Krämer, Head of Connecting Space HK, ZHdK Stephen Cheung, Head of Graduate Education Centre, HKAPA Hayat Erdogan, Dramaturgist/Theorist, ZHdK Matthias Ziegler, Musician/Lecturer ZHdK Patrick Müller, Head of Connecting Spaces HK-ZH, Head of MA Transdisciplinary Studies ZHdK various additional lecturers SCM, CAA, HKAPA, … Assistants Christopher Kriese, Director, Assistant BA Directing ZHdK Katja Gläss, Artist/Photographer, Research associate MA Transdisciplinary Studies ZHdK Andrea Roca, Designer/Curator, Associate researcher Design Departement ZHdK External Guests Zhao Chuan, Director/Author, Shanghai Eisa Jocson, Dancer/Choreographer, Manila Björn Beneditz, Artist and Member of German pop band Deichkind Hamburg Xiaolu Guo, Novelist/Film Director, China Jay Forster, Art Director, …

Lecture Series and Conference on Transculturality – Beyond Purity

This lecture series and seminar will frame the 2nd edition of a transcultural and cross-disciplinary graduate semester program entitled “Transcultural Collaboration,” a new educational format and initiative involving various art universities from Switzerland, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Japan, and Singapore. The program rests on the fundamental need to discuss and understand “globalization” and the questions and issues arising therefrom. It is obvious that globalization not only involves the expansion of production, consumption, and communication, but also the problems, and the potentials, of differentiation/distinction, of provoking otherness, of different forms of cultural evolution and blending, and of influencing power structures.

You wanna risk a life without risk?

Lecture by Jörg Huber and Daniel Späti
Taking a risk is usually more often associated with danger than with a chance that opens up new perspectives. In our daily life we are trying to secure and assure as much aspects possible, which starts with prenatal diagnostics even before we are born. We are (made being) afraid of the unknown and uncertain because it’s BEYOND of our control. …

Can the Biennial save the world?–The case of the Taipei Biennial 1996-2016

Lecture by Manray Hsu
The contemporary art biennial is a global phenomenon. As part of cultural apparatus of modernity, the art biennial, like international expos, tends to be future-oriented, often with an optimistic, or even utopian tone. Just as modern utopian promises have been constantly broken, biennials (again, like expos) rarely if not never live up to what they propose to show on the exhibition level, let alone the social changes promised. Hence the so-called “biennial bashing,” prevalent in art circles around the world.

Film Screening: Double Happiness

A film by Ella Raidel
“Double Happiness” takes the Chinese copy of Hallstatt, a small idyllic town in Austria, as the starting point to explore China’s Fast urbanization. Chinese cities are built where histories and memories can be easily forgotten and thus rewritten. …

Vision of Salome

Yuki Kihara’s illustrated lecture entitled Vision of Salome, centers on works she has produced in the last decade or so where she features herself in the guise of ‘Salome’ – a Samoan woman in Victorian mourning dress appearing in across video, live performance and photographic mediums while subverting historical cross-cultural representations of Pacific people, unpacking the myth of the Pacific as paradise and critiques the imposition of European concepts of gender and sexuality onto colonized peoples.


Mi You, Researcher/Curator, Academy of Media Arts, Cologne
Nina Willimann, Choreographer/Performer, MA Transdisciplinary Studies ZHdK
Prof. Dr. Andreas Langenohl, Justus Liebig University Giessen, Department of Sociology


Collaboration in the Arts & Design & Collaborate!
Presentation of two international programs and initiatives at ZHdK (a. Mona Mijthab on her research/product development projects in Africa/India; b. Christoph Schenker & Gitanjali Dang on Draft Projects.

Heavy Metal and the Evolution from Identity to Interity

Lecture by Jörg Scheller
In the late 1960s and early 70s, Heavy Metal emerged as a distorted, extreme version of blues, rock’n’roll, rock and hard rock. It was only in the late 70s that it turned into a fully-fledged genre with clearly delineated boundaries and distinct characteristics: heavily distorted guitars, double-bass drumming, virtuoso solos and aggressive vocals. Soon, notions such as “true metal” (Manowar) or “classic metal” were used to stress that Heavy Metal was a self-contained, independent movement. …

Alternative Narratives, New Perspectives, Different Truths

Elizabeth de Roza talk was about Project 50/100. It was a series of events that ran parallel to SG50 (a celebration of Singapore 50 years of celebration). The series of events offered alternatives, new perspectives and a platform of possibilities that were not part of the main SG50 celebration. Project 50/100 created counterpoint to what is out there as well as a bringing into being or to wider consciousness of what is not there. A kind of “uncovering the unseen, unheard and unacknowledged, reclaiming and reaffirming physical, artistic and intellectual neglected spaces, and hence enriching through diversity”.

The Function of Art during the Umbrella & Sunflower Movement

Yenchen Wang and Wen Yau
This talk will focus of the function of art in protest culture, while examining different positions in the context of Taipei and Hong Kong. During the Umbrella Movement in Hong Kong many protesters started creating art on the streets. For the students involved in the “Umbrella Revolution”, their art was a primary vehicle of expression.

Film Screening: The Double Life of Li Xianglan

A Film by Mei-Juin Chen
This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II. Many historians place the start of the conflict in China with the Japanese invasion of Manchuria. This one-hour documentary offers a unique perspective on the political and cultural upheaval that followed. It traces the rise and fall of Li Xianglan, a.k.a. Shirley Yamaguchi, who deftly navigated the clash of nations to become one of Japan and China’s biggest movie stars during World War II. …

Shifting Perceptions

We live in a globalized world. It’s dynamics bring out fundamental and irreversible changes everywhere. These changes come along with anxiety and suspiciousness, especially toward the transcultural dimension of globalization. Art can shift perception, it has a sensual willingness in its approach to the world, that opens our way of looking and thinking. …

Lecture Series: In Between

Lecture by Prof. Isabel Mundry, Composer Until the end of the 20th century the idea of the music of the avant-garde was to define its development by continuously further differentiate itself. The music was focussed on its own rules, its abstraction, its purity. Nowadays the “music of the avant-garde” does not exist anymore. Instead there are individual works and positions, that define their own framework and follow specific questions. As a result every piece of music needs to ask about its inside and outside. What is the own, thus the pure, and what’s the alien? With each inter- or transdisciplinary work, we encounter these questions, but also with every artistic reference to a topic outside the arts. Based on her own work, Isabel Mundry will describe, how musical articulations and extra-musical references are getting connected. Her main topics will be public spaces and transitions between art and nature. Isabel Mundry was born in Schlüchtern (Hesse, Germany), raised in West Berlin. Studies composition with Frank-Michael Beyer, Gösta Neuwirth and Hans Zender at the „Universität der Künste Berlin“ …

Art and Cultural Interactions

As discussed by Wolfgang Welsch, “The concept of transculturality aims for a multi-meshed and inclusive, not separatist and exclusive, understanding of culture.” As such the dissolving boundaries between cultures and new cultural forms have been developed. This lecture will trace the cultural interactions through artworks made since the sixteenth century to present to highlight how different cultural legacies are intertwined with one another. …

Self-Presentations Participants

Every participant is asked to give an insight to her/his artistic work as well as about her/his personal background like cultural origins, important ethical values, concerns and current issues they think are relevant. It’s suggested to think of a way to present the work in a different way than usual, which is rather experiential oriented (for example by doing, showing, performing, interacting,..) instead of (too much) talking and it explicitly should not be a regular “power point presentation”.

Thank you for visiting Transcultural Collaboration.
We keep you constantly informed here about latest activities from this year’s program.
Are you interested in what happened last year? Please have a look in our Archive.

Beyond Benevolence: Hong Kong as a Global “Raceless” City

Wednesday, 14. September 2016, 7:00pm

Lecture by Prof. John Nguyet Erni
Chair Professor in Humanities and Head of the Department of Humanities & Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University.

Many in Hong Kong have identified the city as “half-sovereign” or “conditionally sovereign,” as the times of post-1997 have brought about new ruptures and shifting boundaries of citizenship in economic, cultural, and legal terms. The work of deciphering questions of belonging and multicultural existence is still ongoing, and has in fact intensified in recent times. …

Exploring Yau Ma Tei & Sham Shui Po

The Group started exploring Apliu Street where Takuro showed where all electronic devices can be found for the amplifier workshop. Afterwards everyone was free to decide whether to explore the neighbourhood freely or join a guided tour by Nuria from Sham Shui Po to Yau Ma Tei, passing by different art spaces of these neighborhoods.